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Is It Better to Use an App or a Website?

Javeria Ibrahim

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Did you check my recent post on Facebook? I excitedly inquired my friend.

He shook his head in denial and took the smartphone out of his pocket.

My excitement raised as he swiped the lock screen.

Wait, what? He started browsing something – probably the Facebook website – on Google instead of tapping onto the Facebook app. I was left amazed and frustrated at the same time.

In today’s fast-paced, digitally influenced world, we expect no one to use a website when we have faster and quicker apps available. And, someone who does so seems obsolete. We can easily access an app with just one tap.

Do you use websites for something you do regularly, despite having the app availability? Most probably, no. When we have apps that function faster and better, we prefer using apps over a website.

On the other hand, something you do occasionally or once in a blue moon, you don’t bother to go to the app store and download the app for using it just once. You better go to the website and do the needful and leave the website. So, it depends on the need and situation that lets you choose either website or an app. 

Therefore, it significantly depends on the end goal if you are confused about whether to build an app or a website. If you want to develop a game or chatting platform, the mobile app is a more appropriate choice. However, if your main goal is to offer content to a wide range of audiences, a mobile-friendly website is good to go. At times, you may convince yourself and your team to build both a mobile website and an app, but you barely see an app without already having a website in place

A website is considered a first step in forming a web presence. In contrast, a mobile app is used for targeting a specific purpose that cannot be effectively accomplished via a website.

Website vs. App

If your end goals are focused on marketing and public awareness, a mobile responsive website is the first practical step towards achieving your business goal. An app offers several benefits over a website, a website also provides some edges over a mobile app.

When is an App More Effective?

Mobile apps are more popular than websites, but this doesn’t destabilize the importance of a website. However, mobile apps provide multiple benefits for specific use-cases and personalized activates. There are certain scenarios and situations where a mobile app can be more convenient than a website. Here are a few benefits of a mobile app over a website.

Interactive Activities and Games

As we mentioned above, if you aim to develop a game or an interactive activity, an app can be the best choice.  No matter how simple or complex, a mobile app can engage users and make your app a success.


If you aim to build an app for a target audience to use your platform in a personalized fashion regularly, you must create an app. Building a native or cross-platform app can help you attract your target audience and provide a personalized mobile app for performing the desired task with convenience.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great advantage associated with the app. an app can send notifications and keep users engaged. Users can send push notifications to the existing app users and say connected directly via the app. however, web apps can also send notifications to the user. Still, they are not as effective as app notifications are. Not everyone allows web-based notifications, and they are not as personalized as mobile notifications are.

Works Without an Internet Connection

A mobile app can also work without internet connectivity. An app can store the data temporarily and then have it upload once the connectivity is apt. So, if you plan to offer offline access to the content and features, you can build an app to facilitate your audience.

Built-in Functionalities

If your idea requires using certain features of your user’s device like camera, storage, location, and others, an app can be a preferred option.

When Is A Website Beneficial?

Here are some advantages that a website offers over a mobile app.


Websites are available instantly and can be accessed anytime without the need to download them. Across a range of devices, including mobile, desktop, and tablets, you can easily access via using a web browser.

On the other hand, apps require the user to install the app from an app store before accessing the content or using the app features.


Websites are more likely to be found easily. When someone needs to find something or have a query, they can search on the web. Having a website can provide you an opportunity to appear in the search results. On the other hand, the visibility of apps is constrained to the selected app store.


Websites are compatible with all devices.  A website can be reached by users across many different types of mobile devices at any time, whereas apps require to be installed on a compatible device before using them.

Also, a website can easily be shared among users via using the website URL. Therefore, website owners or marketers can easily direct users to their website from a blog or post. An app cannot be easily shared in this manner.


Websites Can Be Updated easily without requiring users’ intent. In comparison, a mobile app requires the user to grant permission before an upgrade. In terms of upgradability, a website is more dynamic and flexible.


Websites Have a significantly broader reach than a mobile app. since a website can easily be found on any web browsers, it has a higher reach capacity than a mobile app


Websites take lesser time to build and are less expensive. Alternatively, mobile app development is relatively costlier than website development. Especially if you want to develop an app for multiple platforms or a cross-platform app, it can cost you an additional check of budget.

Support and Maintenance

A website is easier to maintain and offers support. A mobile app requires proper upgrades, testing, and continuous support to provide the best user experience. That can cost you more expensive than a website support and maintenance cost.

The Bottom Line

Mobile presence is increasingly growing, enticing organizations to think about establishing an app. The web presence is integral to business identity in a digitally influenced world. Depending on your end goal, plan your digital strategy according to your business needs. 

Suppose your business goals are primarily marketing-driven, and you aim to deliver content and establish a broad presence that can be easily maintained and found on search engines. In that case, a website can be the best choice.

Alternatively, if you want to provide a user-centered experience for a particular target audience. that offers personalized features and functionalities, then an app is a right choice.

Make the Perfect Choice

Whether you go for mobile or a website, you should be well-grounded on what you do and why. Make a timely decision with the right project plan to accomplish your business dream. AppVerticals is a professional mobile and web application development company endeavoring to offer value and help clients build an effective strategy and project plan in a cost-effective way. Connect with us for more information regarding a website or mobile app development project.

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Javeria Ibrahim

Javeria Ibrahim is a digital enthusiast with extensive experience in various forms of writing. She loves to explore various subjects including tech, innovation, personal development, and art. Her passion for bringing improvement can be seen in her write-ups.

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