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Why is the Importance of Fast-Loading Websites Growing?

Javeria Ibrahim

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Excited to buy the shirt just appeared in ads? Let’s suppose you tap and get into the online store. Wait, what? All you see is a continuous spinning on the screen. Ugh… you might end up closing the tab. Did you know most users do the same if the website doesn’t load within a few seconds?

The recommended load time for a website is up to 3 seconds. Most mobile and web users won’t stay on a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. This is what making website owners concerned about speed and performance.

Let’s see how speed contributes to great website performance.

1.   Speed Impacts Website Ranking

Google considers speed as a ranking factor for web pages. If a website loads fast, there are higher chances that it appears in the top search results.

2.   Speed Impacts Website Engagement

Engagement is the new SEO. A slow-loading website can drive users away, which, as a result, bounce rate increases. The bounce rate rises by 32%  when page load time surges from 1 to 3 seconds. Every extra second added to the page load time can cost you lose multiple visitors to your website. This may hinder the brand image among users and negatively impacts engagement.

3.   Speed Impacts the Bottom Line

One second delay in page load time may impact conversion by up to 20% in retail. Whereas improving website performance can improve sales where speed is a direct indicator of performance. All in all, website performance optimization enhances user experience, conversion, ROI, and ultimately revenue.

Sum It Up

With a plethora of alternatives and distractions around, the patience level of an average internet user has considerably reduced. Gone are the days when people used to wait for minutes to get a web page loaded. A great user experience has become the absolute need of the modern world wide web. On the contrary, Visitors are unlikely to return to a poor-performing or slow-loading website. Website speed is an impeccable element of an excellent website that keeps users engaged and returning in the future. Website and web app development companies must ensure that the speed is optimized and the website preforms efficiently.

website speed optimization
importance of fast loading websites

Learn about website speed optimization.

Key Takeaways

  1. 47% of users expect a web page to appear within 2 seconds.
  2. 40% of visitors wait no longer than 2 seconds when a website loads slowly.
  3. 79% of users stop shopping from a website in the future if it performs poorly.
  4. Every 1 second delay in page load time may impact conversion by up to 20% in retail.
  5. Most mobile and web users won’t stay on a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  6. Google recommends up to 3 seconds of load time for websites.
  7. 54% of people get frustrated as the load time for a company’s mobile site increases.
  8. The bounce rate rises by 32%  when page load time surges from 1 to 3 seconds.

Javeria Ibrahim

Javeria Ibrahim is a digital enthusiast with extensive experience in various forms of writing. She loves to explore various subjects including tech, innovation, personal development, and art. Her passion for bringing improvement can be seen in her write-ups.

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